The Hong Kong Chiropractors Association Ltd

The Hong Kong Chiropractors Association Ltd (HKCA) is the longest-existing professional association of chiropractors in the Hong Kong SAR. Chiropractors have been practicing in Hong Kong since well before the Second World War, but it was only in 1967 that the HKCA was founded with just three members. Since then, the profession steadily grew to more than130 chiropractors in 2011. The HKCA was the only local professional chiropractic association representing more than 95% of chiropractors for 32 years until 1999.

The objectives of the HKCA are

  • To promote and maintain the highest professional standards in the practice of chiropractic
  • To promote the freedom of choice in healthcare by increasing the awareness of the general public and other healthcare professionals about chiropractic as a safe and effective healthcare system
  • To support and encourage HKCA members to attain these objectives
The achievements of the HKCA are

  • Worked for establishing statutory regulation of the chiropractic profession in the Hong Kong SAR since 1989. These efforts led to the promulgation of the Chiropractors Registration Ordinance Chapter 428 in 1993, and to the commencement of the Registration of qualified chiropractors in September 2001. With this achievement, Hong Kong became the first place in Asia to have implemented chiropractic legislation.
  • Promoted the use of the term, "Jek Quat San Geng For Ysang" (脊骨神經科醫生), as the Chinese title for doctors of chiropractic since 1981. The Chinese title, "Jek Yee" (脊醫), was legally adopted in 1993. Both titles are now accepted internationally.
  • Instituted a public health education programme by organizing annual chiropractic roadshows and lectures for various sectors of the Hong Kong community since 1989.
  • Organized a scholarship programme in 1990 for deserving Hong Kong students wishing to study Chiropractic. The HKCA has since been administering two grants for study in the USA.
  • Started the first Chiropractic Continuing Education Programme in Hong Kong in 2000.
  • Was a founding member of the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) in 1988. WFC is an international non-governmental organization affiliated with the World Health Organization. In 2000, the HKCA became the first Asian chiropractic association to have its representative become the President of the WFC while serving as Asian Representative since 1989.

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